discriminated against

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i worked at my job for about 18 months. the owner of the company found out that i was a jehovah witness. he then said, in front of others, he is going to have to find a reason to get rid of me. after that he gave me a very hard time. one day we got in an arguement , he told me to shut the f--- up or hit the gate. so i left. do i have an arguement
Ok let get this right. You had an arguement with this person unrelated to the alledge bias? During the arugement he said you could "hit the gate" or quit I presume? You left! This is you walking off job and your screwed
constructuve discharge is when an employee is forced to resign over a lengthy period of discriminitory behavior by an employer. yes, your religious beliefs would fall into a protected class and if you have witnesses and or documentation to prove discrimination over a period of time due to your religious beliefs, you may have a case.
Agreed. However problem here did not stem from that. There was an agrument and the OP walked off job. Unless the Op can show the arguement was about his beliefs or related to it there may be no case
The employee has to show that the reason for the (constructive) discharge the company is claiming, was a pretext and the actual reason was a religious bias. Tough to prove worth going to an attorney over. Interesting sideline Jehovah Witness has taken and won more cases to the Supreme court than any other religious group in the U.S.
The employee has to show that the reason for the (constructive) discharge the company is claiming, was a pretext and the actual reason was a religious bias. Tough to prove worth going to an attorney over. Interesting sideline Jehovah Witness has taken and won more cases to the Supreme court than any other religious group in the U.S.


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