Discrimination and/or Harassment?

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Today, my supervisor was in a meeting with my boss (owner). During this brief meeting my supervisor mentioned giving me a raise because, im underpaied (others with same job make more) and im also expected to check their work for completeness, in addition to performing work above and beyond their ability.

At 1st my boss reacted kind of nasty to him, reffering to my boss paying for my healthcare coverage (40$ a week would be my out of pocket contribution).

After my boss left, my supervisor explained to me the reason why i was turned down for a raise was because my boss is allready paying for my healthcare coverage (has been for 3 years with no raise). Enraged, i told my supervisor that my out of pocket contribution would be $40 a week, and considering we work 55+hours a week, this is less than a dollar an hour raise. So if my boss was to pay me a nominal wage (several dollars more than i currently make) it would more than offset the healthcare and i would end up bringing home more money (the goal).

My boss returned and discussed my situation further with my supervisor and told him that (paraphrase) "He needs to get a haircut. He just doesent fit in with these customers out here... tell him if he gets a haircut we'll talk about a raise"

Since my hair has grown longer, i pull it back in a ponytail. I work as an automotive mechanic. I am 25years of age. The company is locally owned with a few locations all owned by a single person ("boss")

Naturally, in the automotive repair industry, women technicians are few and far between. So it cant be called sexual discrimination. what is it? do i have any recourse of action besides looking for new work?

I keep my hair fairly neat (always pulled back), and i am rarely in direct contact with customers... usually they see me, i see them. Its outrageous to think i can be peigoned into cutting my hair simply because my boss is stuck in a sterotypicall mindset.

Should it be of any use, he uses degrading terms all the time when reffering to me. "When did we hire a girl? oh its mike" "Your not growing your hair out are you?" "Whats up you long haired hippie fag?" and usually his favorite if he hasto repeat himself to me is "DId your hair get stuck in your ears?" or if a mistake is made "See your ponytail is pulling too hard on your head, killing your brain" Which up to this point was all considered criticiscim my be... i shrugged it off and went about my buisness... but after today... looking back on all of it.. its getting old, and worse!

What can i do???

Thank you!

FYI: after reading other posts, ill include this tidbit. There are no written policies regarding appearance. The only policy the company has is: Drug Free, of which i signed and took a urine test to qualify for the position. To me, this is where the line is crossed from "Normal" (if it were a policy) to harassment (because its not a policy)
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Unless you have a bona fide contract that specifies otherwise, the only time an employer is required by law to give you a raise is if Congress or your state legislature raises the minimum wage, and you are making under the new m/w.

Length of hair is not a protected characteristic. Whether or not there is a formal policy, the employer can make your raise contingent on getting a haircut. He can also make derogatory comments about your hair. That makes him a jerk; it does not make the comments illegal.
This is not legal Advice!

If you are truly not happy there, look around for another job by your quote you should be more than quaillfied to move on and should be able to earn the money you require.

I personaly would not put up with a situation i did not like but if I thought people mocking me I would be thinking at least they are leaving someone else alone.

As for the hair tornts I cannot comment because I have none, work is like school you either fit in or not, such is life move on life is to short to lower your standards over school yard situations.

Good luck

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