my question concerns discrimination from a doctor, i recently seen my GP and everything was going good until he asked me a question in which i thought was illegal to ask nor did it pertain to my treatment. he asked me if i went to church i kindly replied no i have other beliefs, well to that his attitude changed he first laughed at me then asked me if i was bi-polar because i was raised with different beliefs. i am by the way not bi-polar. i can explain my beliefs later when i feel comfortable ever since this incident i am now very careful who i tell what to. anyway after he laughed at me he then proceeded to push me off on different doctors. i felt humiliated, discrimnated and down right mad. i honestly don't see what my beliefs have to do with my medical treatment. my question is should i confront the doctor or just walk away. thank you.
i also forgot to mention the doc did this in front of one of his staff.

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