Discrimination from church members over a job

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I worked at a church about 2- 2 1/2 yrs cleaning, I knew the pastor but never attended a service. The Pastor got voted out of the church. I remained there working another 6 months. The new people over the church called me and 3 other workers in and said they had to let us go , they could not afford to pay us. The Pastor who was voted out got a new church, i started going to the services and about 6 months later he hired me on to clean the church, Money got tight so they had to lay me off but said they would get me back asap. I had the opportunity to go back to the first church i worked at through a cleaning service. I worked 2 1/2 weeks, the boss man from the company called to get what days i worked so he could pay me then said he meet with some church members and was going to have to let me go because they preferred me not to work there even though my work was good and he had no complaints about the way i clean. He said i do a good job.He said because i worked for the former pastor after getting laid off from the first church he pastored and now that i go to his church the members don't want me there. I feel like he had a option to get rid of me or lose his contract. I was told i had a discrimination law suit because they got rid of me because the people at the church was against their former pastor and are taking it out on me. I just wanted to go to work and make money for my family. I have not discussed my job with my pastor and did not discuss my pastor with them. I hardly ever seen anyone after i got to work and when i did the people would ask me who was paying me, the church or the cleaning service. I would tell them the cleaning service and go about my business. Does anyone have any advice for me. I really thought i was getting along with them when i did see them but i guess they just dont like me. I have always got along with people before this.
Just reading this it sure sounds like this church may not be able to afford the service. They may even be trying to if not already have the parishioners doing it as volunteers.
yes, but the church doesn't pay me the cleaning service does and i had told my supervisor after i had run into someone else who worked there that that person may cause trouble for me from the last time i worked there. He assured me that i worked for the cleaning service and not the church and that the people at the church couldn't say anything about me working there.
"People who worked for the former pastor" is not a group protected by law. IF the reason they do not want you working there is that you worked for the former pastor, that is not illegal discrimination. It may not be fair, but it is not illegal either.

And I don't think you should discount GH's suggestion either.
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