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My daughter was fired on July 5th,for something that she was suppose to have said to a training manager.Mind you she had only worked on this job for 8 days.But the rumor of her saying the "N" word to the training manager,(who is African American),was absurd and totally out of her character.My daughter is very sure that this was started when the manager in training kept asking her out and she refused three different times,not because he is black,but because she told him,she does not date married men.When she returned to work on July 5th,the manager in charge told her to leave,she was fired and they laughed at her and humiliated her.She just can't believe that they would lie and would not let her face her accuser.Does my daughter have a case?
I would be careful with this since it was "rumored" that she had said this thing, and I'm assuming the basis for the termination? It should be noted that in this post there is no reason as to the exact reason she was terminated and whether or not she was in an outlined probationary period. Once those are answered more advice can be given.
I would suggest that she run this one past an employment attorney in her state. This sounds an awful lot to me like retaliation for not dating the training manager, which is illegal under Federal law and the laws of most states.

She will want to report this as potential sexual harassment/gender discrimination to the EEOC sooner rather than later.
Oh this sounds like a classic sexual harassment case. The scenario you laid out is why the came up with sexual harassment laws to begin with. Run it by an attorney to see if it is worth pursuing.
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