this posting is extremely detailed but not 100 percent of the issue in detail I'm looking for advice on this subject and possible guidance. I'm not sure as to weather i need to hand over my documentation to the directors of the program or just hold my information until i have a hearing. please READ everything before making judgment.
I am writing to dispute my academic dismissal .I had a meeting with Professor ____ on February 11, 2009,I was discouraged and belittled when Professor __began slamming his hand on the desk asking, "Why didn't I just quit the program?" .On December 9, 2009, I went to Professor _and asked if he would be willing to do a review for the final in one of his classes. When I questioned him about my overhearing two students admitting that Professor_____ allowed them to pass the class when they both needed a 110 pt on the final to pass the class and the final was only worth 100 pts, he got flustered, denied the accusations. He then pulled out four pictures of Caucasian female students standing with Professor___and he asked me to identify which students I overheard talking about the extra points they received. Out of the four students, I was able to pick out the two students that were given extra credit and Professor__indicated that he did not know why they said that because he does not pass any students who do not deserve to be passed. and he denied my request. He stated that students do not get to review for the NBE(National Board Exam), which is simply not true because the NBE(National Board Exam) has sample questions and study exams to guide you on the right path to successfully complete the test. I inquired as to why the other professors in the program give reviews and he refuses to do so, and he stated that the other professors should not give reviews because it hinders students from doing well on the state exam, which I do not understand.On August 17 2009, I received a letter from Professor___, stating that I did not have all of the prerequisites required to continue the program. I was confused, because I was under the impression that I had to have all of my prerequisites satisfied before I could enter the program. However, I was informed that Professor _____allowed certain students to enter and advance in the program, even though those students still had developmental math classes to complete before graduating. On January 4, 2010, I received an email from Professor___ stating that I needed to schedule a meeting with him at a suitable time. On January 13, 2010, I met with him and he stated that I was dismissed from the program because I had failed three classes. I asked him to show me in the orientation book of rules where this information was posted, and he spent several minutes trying to locate the information but never did. He then handed me a blue sheet of paper, dated 8/9/2009, that all students were forced to sign the first week of school. This letter stated that if you failed more than two classes, then you would be dismissed from the program. I explained to Professor___ that I signed this letter after I was already in the program and since signing the letter; I only failed one class, which meant that I had not yet failed more than two classes, from the date of the letter. He then looked at me with a disgruntled look and said, "Ok, we won't use this; we will use what the school itself says online about repeating classes." He then pulled up the school's manual and read the following clause entitled: Repeated courses "Students who have already received two grades (including W, AU, I, and R) in any course are prohibited from registering for the course for the third or subsequent time without the written permission of an academic dean or his/her designee. (Note: If the course is developmental, the recommendation of a support team [including at least one individual selected by the Dean of Developmental Education and Special Academic Programs and at least one individual selected by the academic unit] must be included in the decision making process of the academic dean or his/her designee.)"I am now learning from other students that once Professor___ allows you to re-register; he then makes you sign a paper and states that if you do not sign it you cannot be reinstated back into the program. The paper states that if you fail at least one class after you are reinstated, you can never return to the program. However, the school's manual indicates that students have four years to graduate. once i presented this information to the college the two professors decided to bring in one of my old African American professors to mediate the situation. initially the two professors wanted me to resolve the issue amongst the three of us. but after the African American professors reasons for not wanting to handle it internally were indisputable. the two professors reluctantly agreed to take it to the appeals board,only after i hand in documentation supporting other students testimonies that were professed to me out of there own frustrations. is this legal? do i have to give the professors all of my documentation before the appeal board handles the case? please help
I am writing to dispute my academic dismissal .I had a meeting with Professor ____ on February 11, 2009,I was discouraged and belittled when Professor __began slamming his hand on the desk asking, "Why didn't I just quit the program?" .On December 9, 2009, I went to Professor _and asked if he would be willing to do a review for the final in one of his classes. When I questioned him about my overhearing two students admitting that Professor_____ allowed them to pass the class when they both needed a 110 pt on the final to pass the class and the final was only worth 100 pts, he got flustered, denied the accusations. He then pulled out four pictures of Caucasian female students standing with Professor___and he asked me to identify which students I overheard talking about the extra points they received. Out of the four students, I was able to pick out the two students that were given extra credit and Professor__indicated that he did not know why they said that because he does not pass any students who do not deserve to be passed. and he denied my request. He stated that students do not get to review for the NBE(National Board Exam), which is simply not true because the NBE(National Board Exam) has sample questions and study exams to guide you on the right path to successfully complete the test. I inquired as to why the other professors in the program give reviews and he refuses to do so, and he stated that the other professors should not give reviews because it hinders students from doing well on the state exam, which I do not understand.On August 17 2009, I received a letter from Professor___, stating that I did not have all of the prerequisites required to continue the program. I was confused, because I was under the impression that I had to have all of my prerequisites satisfied before I could enter the program. However, I was informed that Professor _____allowed certain students to enter and advance in the program, even though those students still had developmental math classes to complete before graduating. On January 4, 2010, I received an email from Professor___ stating that I needed to schedule a meeting with him at a suitable time. On January 13, 2010, I met with him and he stated that I was dismissed from the program because I had failed three classes. I asked him to show me in the orientation book of rules where this information was posted, and he spent several minutes trying to locate the information but never did. He then handed me a blue sheet of paper, dated 8/9/2009, that all students were forced to sign the first week of school. This letter stated that if you failed more than two classes, then you would be dismissed from the program. I explained to Professor___ that I signed this letter after I was already in the program and since signing the letter; I only failed one class, which meant that I had not yet failed more than two classes, from the date of the letter. He then looked at me with a disgruntled look and said, "Ok, we won't use this; we will use what the school itself says online about repeating classes." He then pulled up the school's manual and read the following clause entitled: Repeated courses "Students who have already received two grades (including W, AU, I, and R) in any course are prohibited from registering for the course for the third or subsequent time without the written permission of an academic dean or his/her designee. (Note: If the course is developmental, the recommendation of a support team [including at least one individual selected by the Dean of Developmental Education and Special Academic Programs and at least one individual selected by the academic unit] must be included in the decision making process of the academic dean or his/her designee.)"I am now learning from other students that once Professor___ allows you to re-register; he then makes you sign a paper and states that if you do not sign it you cannot be reinstated back into the program. The paper states that if you fail at least one class after you are reinstated, you can never return to the program. However, the school's manual indicates that students have four years to graduate. once i presented this information to the college the two professors decided to bring in one of my old African American professors to mediate the situation. initially the two professors wanted me to resolve the issue amongst the three of us. but after the African American professors reasons for not wanting to handle it internally were indisputable. the two professors reluctantly agreed to take it to the appeals board,only after i hand in documentation supporting other students testimonies that were professed to me out of there own frustrations. is this legal? do i have to give the professors all of my documentation before the appeal board handles the case? please help