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New Member
I will put this out again because I can't believe this isn't discrimination.

I started working for a company four months ago. My boss and the company are Israeli. During that time I have seen my boss treat American employees poorly compared to the other foreign employees. There have been certain circumstances to confirm this:

1) My boss and I reviewed an American employee for his 2007 goals and the employee was told during his review that we were going to re-review him in three months to see if he was working towards his future goals. I commented this in the employees review. My boss followed up with a letter that said that the employees work was sub-standard and we would review him to look at his substandard performance. We never said this to the employee or agreed to this. I refused to sign the letter stating that other employees were worse therefore he should do if for them.

2) My Boss, a VP's and I were reviewing non American employee and he help answer and defended the employee's bad behavior against American women employees during the review.

3) Just after I was hired, he told me directly the he did not want to hire Americans because they are lazy and are not hard workers. He told me that he wanted to hire and Indian or Asian with a green card or trying to get one so that he could control them. To me this is the same as saying black are stupid, then telling someone you would not hire blacks. I don't see a difference.

4) Two other employees (on different occasions) came to me and said they felt discriminated against.

5) I wrote an email to the president asking him to meet about my boss discrimination. Two weeks later I have my review and my Boss ripped into me with a list of items I was either late on or did wrong. I had no chance to see this letter before my review. Shouldn't this have been provided before my review? He did not do this in any other review. I refuted his claims. I believe this was in retaliation to my discrimination claim. A week later, we had a meeting on the discrimination and the president told me he could find no proof of our claims so he did nothing.

6) The president offered me 4 weeks severance if I wanted to leave at this time. The president put me on a six week plan and if I didn't complete the task I would be fired.

7) My Boss is bullet proof. He is a former student of the founder and will do nothing against his bad behavior. I have started looking for a new job. My biggest problem is this company sells to the DOD. It the DOD found out about these practices against American, I sure they would cancel all contracts. This company would be out of business.
You need to see an attorney to see if you have a claim. If you feel you to then file a claim with the EEOC but not all discrimination is illegal. Your boss sounds like a jerk, but that is not necessarly against the law.
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