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What is considered discrimination? I have Multiple Sclerosis. I work for a company that keep piling more onto me than any of my coworkers. I have asked for relief but never get any. My health is getting worse and I m out of options. Do I actually need to be on medical restriction for me not be given any relief?? According to a lawyer I talked to I should be. Otherwise if you can do the job why should they give u help so he thinks is what they will say. Any help will be greatly appreciated. The EEOC is now involved too.
Glad to hear that the EEOC is involved. If your employer is aware of your disability and you have provided them medical documentation of your limitations, then they are obligated to provide "reasonable accomodations" for you to be able to perform your job and they are also responsible for "engaging in the interactive process" with you, to determine what the best "accomodations" may be for you to be enjoy the same terms and conditions of employment as non disdabled employees.

Would a change in your schedule, change in how the job is currently done, etc. be acceptable accomodations? If you are physically unable to access office machinery or you may need assistance devices so that you are able to access the same information, areas or basic things to allow you to perform the job the same as a non disabled person and your employer refuses to do "accomodate" you, then you are being discriminated against.
I had posted a recent EEOC case regarding UPS and an empoyee with MS that may be helpful.


I haven't provided medical documentation of my limitations. I figured why do I need that when collapsed at work 2 years ago. Or they have seen me walk with a cane. Why should I have to bring a doctors note telling them I need to be on restrictions?? Just because I may be good one week they can overload me with work and make me sick again and get away with it.

Agreed, it sounds to me as though your case would fall into the "regarded as" disabled at the very least. Your use of a cane to accomodate your disability should be enough to notify your employer of your need for accomodation, however, reminding them that you have a need for accomodation can't hurt.
Contact an attorney the ADA offers more expansive remedies,but the WFEA provides broader rights and protections to workers with disabilities. Both acts warrant careful consideration in assessing a case. The WFEA, unlike the ADA, does not distinguish between a job's marginal and essential functions.
A co work recently made physical threats, disparaging curses and racial remarks durin

A co work recently made physical threats, disparaging curses and racial remarks during and argument. Do I have legal case?
Staten Island, NY Viewed 3 times. Posted 1 day ago in Employment / Labor
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I have been recently suspended from work due to an argument I had with a co-worker who did not have much respect for me. I spoke to him in a civil tone and asked him not to embarrass me in front of the client and co workers, and not to use disparaging racial word and remarks with me any more. I told him he better stop or I will report the matter to the boss. He then Stated are you threatening me, and then proceeded with physical threats, curses and racial remarks. The employer one week later suspend both parties pending an investigation. Do I have a case and should I be terminated? I work there for ten years!
Have you filed for unemployment? You should wait untill the outcome of the investigation for a better determination. If you are found to be not at fault you should ask for your pay minus the Unemployment insurance.
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