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Disabled Vet

Well-Known Member
My buddy and I head to a casino upon arrival we started playing craps. After about 15-20 mins my body was saying you need to sit. I asked a girl working at the table for a stool. She stated they only gave stools to ederly and disabled folks. I told her I was disabled and my buddy also said "yes he is disabled" She talked to the head lady at the table. This lady called over the pit boss and the three of them talked. They looked at me, smiled (laughed I think), the pit boss walked away. I assumed he was getting a stool. After 15 mins I asked the lady again about the stool. This time she said " We only give them to people with wheelchairs or crutches". I informed her that I had a wheel chair (electric scooter) in my truck. I asked her who came up with this new plan. She said "I would have to speak with the lady that was running the table." At this time I got the dice to throw.

I asked the lady running the table.. Why couldn't I get a stool. She said the pit boss said I wasn't disabled and didn't need one. So I ask her to get the pit boss in which she did. Now mind you I have the dice... of course I speak with the pit boss which delayed the game and folks got mad. which is understandable. He said without having a wheelchair or being disabled I wasn't entitled to a stool. I explained I was a disabled vet and gave him my VA disabled vet ID.

I was wondering what if anything can be done about this issue? I didn't like the fact my condition was thrown out at the table in front of everyone. I didn't like being asked to see my wheel chair or crutchs... Thanks in advance for any thoughts you may have.
Disabled Vet
My buddy and I head to a casino upon arrival we started playing craps. After about 15-20 mins my body was saying you need to sit. I asked a girl working at the table for a stool. She stated they only gave stools to ederly and disabled folks. I told her I was disabled and my buddy also said "yes he is disabled" She talked to the head lady at the table. This lady called over the pit boss and the three of them talked. They looked at me, smiled (laughed I think), the pit boss walked away. I assumed he was getting a stool. After 15 mins I asked the lady again about the stool. This time she said " We only give them to people with wheelchairs or crutches". I informed her that I had a wheel chair (electric scooter) in my truck. I asked her who came up with this new plan. She said "I would have to speak with the lady that was running the table." At this time I got the dice to throw.

I asked the lady running the table.. Why couldn't I get a stool. She said the pit boss said I wasn't disabled and didn't need one. So I ask her to get the pit boss in which she did. Now mind you I have the dice... of course I speak with the pit boss which delayed the game and folks got mad. which is understandable. He said without having a wheelchair or being disabled I wasn't entitled to a stool. I explained I was a disabled vet and gave him my VA disabled vet ID.

I was wondering what if anything can be done about this issue? I didn't like the fact my condition was thrown out at the table in front of everyone. I didn't like being asked to see my wheel chair or crutchs... Thanks in advance for any thoughts you may have.
Disabled Vet

First of all, thanks for your service.
They were jerks.
Being a jerk doesn't mean you break the law.
You don't have anything more than something a letter written to the CEO might cure.
Otherwise, don't patronize a clip joint like theirs.

I'm a crap player, too.
I know how tiring standing there can get.
Most places I've been always let me have a stool or a chair when I want one.
Those that refuse, I no longer frequent their establishment.
Army Judge,

I would assume based on your screen name you been there and got a tee-shirt too. Thank you for your service as well. I contacted the casino HR lady and they are doing a internal investigation of this event. She told me that they would contact me this week as to the results of their findings. I know this might sound weird but it's the truth I told her that if they fired the said employee's that I would sue them. I told her it would be better to re-train them vs firing. That was the main reason for posting to see if there was a legal grounds just in case. I honestly feel people have dumbass attacks and to see the outside of me you would think I was in the prime of my life. Too many jumps, to many young dumb stupid he-man stunts. My life changing event happened in 1982 but I continued on living a great life until 2006 during which a operation at the VA hospital took everything from me. Working, officiating high school sports, didnt sue then and still wouldn't today. I just needed to know if I had any grounds to help keep their jobs just in case it was needed. I think most folks are sue happy in life and looking to make the easy buck. I feel great in what I have done on my own in life. Even though I consider myself to be on government welfare (VA Disability) that I have it made in life. I am very thankful for what God has given me. I just hope the HR person feels the same as I do. People have dumbass attacks and should be given the chance to correct their mistakes.

Thanks again
Disabled Vet

P.S. I will post when they call and what was said..... I have read some of the posts here and wonder "What was the outcome of this issue" so i will post the results.
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