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I am a Black Teacher( only one on the faculty) and the Band and chorus teachers all whte, have their on nice big rooms where they can be organize and I was given a closet that was too small for the no of students that I have. I was moove to the auditorium where I have to set up chairs and stands every day like a custodian which cuts into my instruction time. I would like to know if I have solid grounds to make a complaint.

Thank you ,

What evidence do you have that the size of your classroom was determined by your race?
Obviously, I won't know that. But if one look at the situation and see that the other teachers are white and that I was teaching there before them, it makes me wonder .
In order to have any kind of legal claim, you're going to need some kind of evidence that your room assignment was based on your race and not on the number of students in your class, the length of time that you've worked in that school district or at that school, any ADA issues that any of the teachers (or their students) have, or some other non-discriminatory reason. "I'm black and I have the smallest classroom" is not sufficient to prove a case.
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