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Case law on Discrimination and telework while caring for a parent

Google it, I doubt you'll find much (if anything), because an employer isn't mandated to provide you time off to do anything.

There's no legal requirement that says an employee has a RIGHT to telecommute, either.

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MUCH more detail would be needed to answer this.

P.S. if you mean what I think you mean by that, it's not a discrimination case at all.
Based on what you posted, it doesn't "seem" like discrimination but as noted, we need more details to give you more of a definite answer.
It's possible FMLA could be involved. But if you're looking for case law that specifically gives you the right to telecommute to care for an aging, ill or infirm parent, you won't find it. It doesn't exist - at least in the US.

There may be other solutions but we can't say for sure with the minute amount of information you've supplied.
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