discrimnation and harresment

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In june of 2010 i filed a sexual harresment charges with plant manager and human resource. they did nothing to the people that were harrasing me but make them sign a paper i also had to sign the paper the harressment did not stop . i didnt figure it would do any good so i didnt say anything else. tuesday august an employee that i had never spoken to before came up to me and said he heard i was taking picture of the holes in his pants with my phone. i said i had not i took my phone out to prove this to him he grabs my phone and snaps it into. i go to my plant manager i ask him what he was going to do about that.he calls this person into the office and he fires him i asked him what i should do about my phone he said they would have to discuss it with human resource but they would probably take it out of his last pay check . iwent back to work they called me back to the office they suspened me for two days and were considering on firing me . i got a letter today and a voicemail stateing that i had been terminated and that i would be paid for the days i had been suspended and 30 hours accumalted vacation time i have already taken all my vacation for this year because of all the harrasment so i dont know were this comes from. i was fired for horse play and fighting . there was no horse play and wasnt fighting him i did not know this person . i am the only woman in this factory have been there for 6 years. i believe i am being discrnated against because of filing the sexual harresment charges. any suggestions on what i should do? is this legal? help
I don't know enough about this from what you posted. Even if I did I'd say the same thing. Talk to a local attorney or two and ask them.

You might have some form of action. The problem will be proving it. From what you said, your phone appeared to have something on it of some concern to someone.
discrimanation , harrassment

i didnt have anything on the phone the person that i filed the discrenination charged on told this person i had pictures i took my phone out to prove this to the person that broke it and that is when he snapped it into. i did not hand it to him he grabbed it.
i didnt have anything on the phone the person that i filed the discrenination charged on told this person i had pictures i took my phone out to prove this to the person that broke it and that is when he snapped it into. i did not hand it to him he grabbed it.

Now all you need to do is PROVE that.
No one can help you here.
There are no magic words or incantations that can give you what you want.
Your best bet is to speak with a lawyer and discuss HOW you can prove what you allege.
I'm betting that won't be easy.
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