disgruntled truck driver

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i am a truck driver and just ended my employement with my employer. during the course of my employement i took them up on a policy that they have that if you have an accident or incident that is 500.00 or less u can opt to pay that and have it reported on your driving record (dac report) as a non-chargeable offense. i chose to pay two items and i have the dates they were finished being paid. now that i have left the company i have been denied jobs and feel the company is at fault for me being denied jobs due to the fact that those two items are still on my report and they refuse to take it off. certain companies only allow you to have one or two chargeable items and those two items are hindering me from being employed. i would like to know do i have a legitimate claim. i have their employee handbook that states this policy. i feel they are just trying to make it hard for me to get a job and that they are at fault for me being denied and now i am eating the costs. what are my rights as an employee?
Well, you incurred the items, chargeable or not. That's your fault, not the company's. And the company is certainly not required by law to remove them. I'm not an expert on DOT regs but I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that they may not be allowed to remove multiple items.

When you say you are being denied jobs, are you getting interviews and then not being hired? Or are you not getting interviews?

In any case, no, you do not have grounds for a lawsuit.

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If you are a truck driver you are required to basically have a clean driving record for employment. If you had 2 incidences then I do not see how you are wrongfully not being hired. I do not believe the company has any power to remove something from your DMV record.
well thank you for the advice but the attorneys i have contacted have said that i do have a case. its not the point of having a clean record. the incidents/accidents are minor....my problem is that if a company has in their driving manual in black and white a policy of "if a driver has an accident or incident and the total cost of that accident is between $1.00-$500.00 then the driver has THE OPTION to pay the cost of that incident. In return that accident will be deemed NON-CHARGEABLE. If the driver chooses not to pay then the accident will be deemed chargeable on his record." Now there were two incidents that were 200.00 that I chose to pay (in which i have the total amounts and dates of the date they started the withdrawal and the dates they were finished being paid) now that i chose to leave the company they are refusing to stand by THEIR POLICY. Im not asking them to clean my record clean, im demanding that they stand by their policy that they offer to drivers which is written in stone. the attorneys have told me to call verbally and write a letter to human recourses giving them the opportunity to correct this issue...if it is not corrected then i can take the next step. i have the right to damages and any costs incurred after that because then they would be refusing to abide by their policy which in turn can turn out to be defamation of character.
Then by all means let one of these attorneys sue them for you. If you already are convinced you know the answer, why are you here?
because this sight is labeled "free advice".....i like to get opinions from all standpoints. i have never claimed to know all the answers but i also know that sometimes people should show some positive insight on issues. people come here for answers and reading your answers it seems you show no positivity.....yet you seem to bash those that feel they have a legitimate case. i dont think anyone is coming to hear that "they can sue for millions". they are coming here because they feel they have legitimate causes to pursue. right is right and wrong is wrong and companies feel they have the right to walk over employees and people like you like to give them the green light. i appreciate "your" advice and your insight but as everyone knows your insight is not the only answer. i didnt ask you to represent me in a court case i simply came here for advice.
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I neither make the laws nor vote on their passage. In my opinion you have no case whatsoever. My advice is to drop the issue. If you have someone else who disagrees and thinks you have legal recourse, you are free to follow their advice instead.

And where did anyone mention millions? You're the one who raised that figure.
and thats all im saying. i do appreciate your advice. a person has to decide if it is even worth pursuing and in your opinion it is not and i have taken that into consideration already. like i said im not here to argue with you or anyone, i simply wanted a second view. thank you and take care
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