Dismissed charges in background check

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New Member
My question involves labor and employment law for the state of: North Carolina

I just graduated with an accounting degree and am in the process of getting hired through a third party recruiting company. The position that I got accepted to is within Wells Fargo. They interviewed and accepted me on their team however I am now in the process of filling out paper work through the recruiting agency which has made it clear that they will run a background check.

3 years ago I was in a situation where I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A party I was at got busted by the ALE and long story short I got a misdemeanor for paraphernalia and possession. I ended up being able to take a class which would result in a dismissal of my charges.

Will my dismissed charges still show up on the background check that the recruiting company will run? And if so will they prevent me from getting hired?

I have already been accepted for the job and they have extended the offer package to me which states it is contingent on their background investigation, I am so worried I will lose the job because of these dismissed charges. Would it be better for me to reply to the resource manager running the check and tell him of my situation regarding the dismissed charges or just let it be?

Help anyone?
I tried to answer this for you in the other forum. One more time:

We cannot say whether the dismissed charges will still show up on the background check that the recruiting company will run. It depends on how deeply Wells Fargo probes. Nor do we know whether or not, if they show up, Wells Fargo will refuse to hire you. Some employers will, some won't. No way to tell which WF is.

Since we don't know the resource manager, we don't know which would be "better". All anyone here can give you is an opinion, which may or may not be helpful.
Agree, sorry but there is no way we can know if the dismissed charges will show up on a background check. All background checks are not the same - some contain more information/different information than others, check deeper than others, etc.
Banks do thorough background checks. They look for many things. See what happens, that's all you can do. There's also a life lesson here, stay away from the WRONG places.
As others a have said there's no way to predict what will show up and what won't. In some states there are public records web sites that will enable you to check your own record and get an idea of what's there.

In my experience: I can't tell you how many applicants have told me "that charge was dropped", "I paid to have that purged from my record", or "that was supposed to have been expunged". A company as large as WF will likely have a policy that specifies how far back they will look, and what offenses are considered relevant to the job. The 2nd part of that statement will likely vary form one job to another even within the same company. If they detereine that it's a deal-breaker you should receive an Pre-Advderse Action form as per the FCRA ( I'm assuming that they are using a 3rd party to conduct criminal records) . You will then have a specified period of time to contest the findings.
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