Disorderly conduct 15 yr old at school

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Texas

Last week my 15 yr old son and another kid were talking trash at school and the other kid punched him. My son swung back but missed, and then they were pulled apart. No school officials saw the incident, and my son said nothing bc he'd get in trouble too. My son's mouth was cut but it healed. This week (1 wk after incident) a student who'd recorded the incident on a cell phone emailed it to the Asst Principal. My son has now been given ISS and a disorderly conduct charge.

Can this charge stick from a cell phone video??

And what are the potential fines and/or punishment for disorderly conduct?

You are asking us to determine the relevancy of evidence which we have not seen before the trial.

The answer is, no one knows.
Ok, fair enough.

Can you tell me what are the potential fines and/or punishment for disorderly conduct are for a 15 yr old in Texas?

And if we wanted to fight this [maybe claim assault on other kid] how would that work?

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