Sentencing, Plea Bargains disorderly conduct - reckless discharge

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New Member
cochise county

shooting subsonic rounds (about 100 total) at a paper target at ground level 7-12 yards in front of me.
neighbor was at about 85 to 90 degrees and about .4 miles away.
She called the police and stated that she heard bullets (plural) whizzing by her residence and she felt threatened by the gunfire , as she could hear ricochets (plural) and did not know what direction they were coming from. By the way no ricochets on my end ( 3 people there to verfy that)

her neighbor came to where we were shooting and told us his neighbor was extremely upset and was walking around outside with binoculars trying to see where we were shooting and also had a recording on her phone that sounded like a ricochet that she submitted as evidence.

We left within a few minutes and we were stopped by police officers who told us that she was filing a complaint. They claimed they didn't see any problem and that
she was making a big deal and was filing a complaint. He did say that it would be knocked down to a misdemeanor.

The neighbor told us that she was an uptight yuppy.

Someone who really feels threatened would never go outside looking around with binoculars especially when she claims that she didn't know which direction the bullets were coming from. I think she was pissed that someone dared shoot near her fancy house and so she trumped up her fear to make sure someone was punished.

We were not cited with anything else - only her statement

I would like to get the case dismissed and have her brought up on charges for filing a false police report which has now cost me time and money (lost wages) for hearings and such.

I am sorry, you should not be allowed to make false reports and ruin others lives because you don't like something. Pretrial conference is coming up

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated
I suggest you stop endangering your neighbors with your foolishness. If you do not have sufficient property with a shooting pit, bring in about 3 truck loads of rock free dirt and make a backstop. After you do that, show your neighbor so she is not suffering PTSD every time she hears a round fired. They have an effective range of over 1/10 of a mile and you are not capable of determining whether rounds were ricocheting airborne past the target which would increase their travel distance.
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You have no basis for a case against her and while going out looking for the shooters was an unwise move, she did hear gunfire near her house and properly called the police. Yours and your neighbor's personal feelings about her financial situation are irrelevant. If you just simply must shoot a gun, go to a firing range. Shooting in a neighborhood is just plain stupid.
cochise county

shooting subsonic rounds (about 100 total) at a paper target at ground level 7-12 yards in front of me.
neighbor was at about 85 to 90 degrees and about .4 miles away.
She called the police and stated that she heard bullets (plural) whizzing by her residence and she felt threatened by the gunfire , as she could hear ricochets (plural) and did not know what direction they were coming from. By the way no ricochets on my end ( 3 people there to verfy that)

her neighbor came to where we were shooting and told us his neighbor was extremely upset and was walking around outside with binoculars trying to see where we were shooting and also had a recording on her phone that sounded like a ricochet that she submitted as evidence.

We left within a few minutes and we were stopped by police officers who told us that she was filing a complaint. They claimed they didn't see any problem and that
she was making a big deal and was filing a complaint. He did say that it would be knocked down to a misdemeanor.

The neighbor told us that she was an uptight yuppy.

Someone who really feels threatened would never go outside looking around with binoculars especially when she claims that she didn't know which direction the bullets were coming from. I think she was pissed that someone dared shoot near her fancy house and so she trumped up her fear to make sure someone was punished.

We were not cited with anything else - only her statement

I would like to get the case dismissed and have her brought up on charges for filing a false police report which has now cost me time and money (lost wages) for hearings and such.

I am sorry, you should not be allowed to make false reports and ruin others lives because you don't like something. Pretrial conference is coming up

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated

The report wasn't false.
She called police about gunfire.
You were charged, and I suggest you concentrate on your case.
It won't be dismissed for a myriad of reasons, chief among them being that you must have your day in court.
You and your attorney can attempt to get a not guilty verdict for the many reasons you have brilliantly laid out for us.
Yes, I suggest you save yourself some money and go after this "pro se".
You have a great acumen for the law:yes:, especially the criminal justice system and its complex workings.
After you dispense of this "petty" charge and obtain your not guilty verdict from a JURY of your peers, then you can decide how you might exact your retribution. :blush

I do wish you well, and hope you get what you deserve. :bye:
I suggest you stop endangering your neighbors with your foolishness. If you do not have sufficient property with a shooting pit, bring in about 3 truck loads of rock free dirt and make a backstop. After you do that, show your neighbor so she is not suffering PTSD every time she hears a round fired. They have an effective range of over 1/10 of a mile and you are not capable of determining whether rounds were ricocheting airborne past the target which would increase their travel distance.

This a a rural area surrounded by BLM land. There are only a few houses and I would never put anyone in danger. She lives in an area where it is LEGAL to shoot within 1/4 mile of a dwelling. I was almost 1/2 mile away.

They have an effective range of over 1/10 of a mile and you are not capable of determining whether rounds were ricocheting airborne past the target which would increase their travel distance.[/QUOTE]

I was shooting approx 30 feet in front of me down toward the ground (soft dirt) at a target. I was shooting south and her residence was nearly 1/2 mile to the east. I was shooting parallel to her residence. 90 degrees. If by some chance the bullets traveled passed the 30 feet and then ricocheted what do you think the chances are that had the velocity to whiz by her house multiple times (only 100 rounds total shot by handgun and shotgun) at that distance?
You have no basis for a case against her and while going out looking for the shooters was an unwise move, she did hear gunfire near her house and properly called the police. Yours and your neighbor's personal feelings about her financial situation are irrelevant. If you just simply must shoot a gun, go to a firing range. Shooting in a neighborhood is just plain stupid.

I was cited based on her statement to the police. They did not cite me with anything because I was not doing anything illegal. She requested contact and to be a victim of disorderly conduct.
I was cited because she says bullets were ricocheting through her property she felt threatened by gunfire and while you might think it was an UNWISE move. Her actions do not match up with her statement. She lied about the ricochets and her life being in danger so no one will shoot near her house.
The fact is she lives in the county where it is legal to shoot. Maybe she should move to the city where it is illegal.
The report wasn't false.
She called police about gunfire.
You were charged, and I suggest you concentrate on your case.
It won't be dismissed for a myriad of reasons, chief among them being that you must have your day in court.
You and your attorney can attempt to get a not guilty verdict for the many reasons you have brilliantly laid out for us.
Yes, I suggest you save yourself some money and go after this "pro se".
You have a great acumen for the law:yes:, especially the criminal justice system and its complex workings.
After you dispense of this "petty" charge and obtain your not guilty verdict from a JURY of your peers, then you can decide how you might exact your retribution. :blush

I do wish you well, and hope you get what you deserve. :bye:

Thanks army judge

I guess I am missing something. She calls the police because she says bullets are ricocheting through her property and she feels threatened by the gunfire and can't tell which direction they are coming from.
The police say they want to let us go but can't because she is being unreasonable (his words) and wants to file a complaint.

I cannot afford to get an attorney no should I have to. The prosecutor does not know yet about her walking around outside with binoculars and to me proves that if she felt threatened and did not know which way the bullets were coming from then she is either lying or retarded. I would be inside my home laying on the floor calling the police not outside hoping for a stray bullet to hit me. She had to use binoculars, that is how far away we were.

I appreciate your comments...Guess I will just submit my evidence and see what happens
Thanks army judge

I guess I am missing something. She calls the police because she says bullets are ricocheting through her property and she feels threatened by the gunfire and can't tell which direction they are coming from.
The police say they want to let us go but can't because she is being unreasonable (his words) and wants to file a complaint.

I cannot afford to get an attorney no should I have to. The prosecutor does not know yet about her walking around outside with binoculars and to me proves that if she felt threatened and did not know which way the bullets were coming from then she is either lying or retarded. I would be inside my home laying on the floor calling the police not outside hoping for a stray bullet to hit me. She had to use binoculars, that is how far away we were.

I appreciate your comments...Guess I will just submit my evidence and see what happens

Okay, this is what you do:
1 = Appear at the place on the date and at the hour directed in your summons (or arrest documents)
2 = Plead NOT guilty, do NOT try to explain, offer any excuses, or reveal any part of what you believe your defense is
3 = By all means, do NOT admit to doing anything
4 = Ask the court to appoint you a public defender, and follow the instructions the court will provide to verify your status as indigent and being unable to afford an attorney
5 = From this point forward, do NOT discuss this case with anyone (even the other party that is alleged to have been there) EXCEPT your attorney
6 = Eventually you will meet with yoru attorney, and that is te only time you reveal ANY aspect of what went down or what is alleged to have happened
7 = SILENCE is your friend, you may have said TOO much already, too late to fret over that, but from this point forward discuss this case ONLY with your soon to be appointed public defender

You don't want to plead to this charge.
You don't want this on your record.
Just trust me on that, it may look like a NOTHING charge, it ain't.
So, time to say NOTHING to anyone!
She didn't make a false report at least in that you were shooting & she heard gunfire - all apparently true.

Get a lawyer (or ask for a public defender if you can't afford a lawyer), discuss your situation with the lawyer & see what your options are.
If she was at home and heard gunshots she was right to call the police. How was she to know what you were doing and how far away? If it sounded like they were on her property, she absolutely did the right thing by calling the police and letting them investigate. No one should expect to hear gunfire at their home.
How do we know OP was not firing them into the sky in which case they could have appeared all around her.

Excellent observation D, excellent!

Your response is precisely why EVERY criminal defendant should remain silent until they have consulted an attorney and have crafted their defense.
Sentenced to community service.

It's over now so I will just move on...Thanks for all of your replies.
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