Dispute how hospital billed insurance company

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About 3 months ago I was struck in the face by a softball, resulting a trip to the emergency room. While there, I had "emergency surgery" (as was stated by my attending in the ER) to repair a broken bone in my mouth and re-insert a tooth which had been knocked out. I recently received a bill saying I owed $6,000 in dental procedures which had been denied by my insurance. I phoned the hospital and insurance company to ask for a detailed bill, including how the hospital had billed the insurance company (i.e. the hospital codes used) and was denied from both of them. I want this information to make sure procedures that were not 'dental' in nature were not billed as such, since I do not have dental insurance and was informed by the hospital that night there is a difference between 'emergency surgery' (covered by my insurance) and dental surgery (not covered). Does the hospital/insurance company legally have to provide me with how the insurance company was billed?
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