When I moved out of a rental home, I requested my original deposit. The poperty management company refunded the majority of the deposit but there were two charges that I disputed. They agreed on one of them but I cannot get a respone from them on the other (after several phone calls with no reply). It relates to a cleaning company coming in and doing $100 of work in the yard of the home. An invoice was proveided from the company that supposedly cleaned the yard (which we thoroughly cleaned prior to moving out) but it did not detail what the charges were for. I called the cleaning company requesting a detailed invoice and they said they would provide it. Time elapsed and they never provided an invoice and never returned several subsequent phone calls. I am skeptical of the charges and want the $100 refunded. It is less a matter of the money, $100 is not material, but I feel like this property management company was unethical with us on a number of issues during the time we lived there. Is it worth it to take it to small claims (which costs $43 to file)? Any thoughts on whether detailed invoices are required to be provided by the property management company?