Dissolve gaurdianship over my child

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New Member
I consented to grant gaurdianship to my parents in Dec. 2011 because of addiction to pain medicine, and thought it the best interest of my 3 yr old daughter. Now I have been clean 1yr 3 mos and want my daughter back. What rights do I still have regarding visits etc. My parents are playing games and making this a complete nightmare. It is no longerbest for my daughter to be without her mom.
I consented to grant gaurdianship to my parents in Dec. 2011 because of addiction to pain medicine, and thought it the best interest of my 3 yr old daughter. Now I have been clean 1yr 3 mos and want my daughter back. What rights do I still have regarding visits etc. My parents are playing games and making this a complete nightmare. It is no longerbest for my daughter to be without her mom.

If you wish to TRY and change the guardianship arrangement, set forth by the court, its back to court you must go.

Your parents are the LEGAL GUARDIANS, and you have no rights OTHER than what are delineated in the guardianship papers or the court order.
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Was this a court appointed guardianship? If not, you should be able to go get your child though I don't know how the guardianship papers read. If it was court appointed, any change would have to be through the court system. You might want to talk to a lawyer.
I consented to grant gaurdianship to my parents in Dec. 2011 because of addiction to pain medicine, and thought it the best interest of my 3 yr old daughter. Now I have been clean 1yr 3 mos and want my daughter back. What rights do I still have regarding visits etc. My parents are playing games and making this a complete nightmare. It is no longerbest for my daughter to be without her mom.

Perhaps the most prudent question is, "Were child protective services involved, or was this completely voluntary?"
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