Diverseidy Skandell?

army judge

Super Moderator
America's spy agencies continue to debase themselves in an effort to appear "woke." The Office of the Director of National Intelligence recently published its annual demographic report for fiscal year 2020 to assess the "hiring and retention of minorities, women, and persons with disabilities in the United States intelligence community."

An astute social media user observed that the report's cover page featured a stock photo titled, "Portrait Of Multi-Cultural Office Staff Standing In Lobby." In an apparent effort to enhance the intelligence community's performative display of diversity, a blind man and a wheelchair-bound woman were sloppily added via Photoshop. One should never underestimate a government employee's capacity for half-assing a meaningless task.






ANALYSIS: Spy Agency's Sloppy Photoshop Makes Mockery of Half-Assed Performative Diversity Initiatives - Washington Free Beacon
The bad part is the taxpayers likely paid 6 figures for that Photoshop work.

I used free software. Maybe I should run the government. I sure couldn't do any worse. PGuy, you can be my Veep. Or vice versa if you prefer. We'll make Army Judge the Secretary of State. He won't take any crap from foreigners. Secretary of the Treasury goes to Tax Counsel of course. Secretary of Defense goes to Redemptionman. There's even a position for Just Blue - Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. :D
I am in the process of identifying new diversity groups that fit the mold. I am going way out there with the intergalactic federation of planets to figure which group that is. Once I have it figured out I will then demand the government give me all the tax free incentives for which I am entitled.

and photo shop me and my species into the diversified protected class.
I am in the process of identifying new diversity groups that fit the mold. I am going way out there with the intergalactic federation of planets to figure which group that is. Once I have it figured out I will then demand the government give me all the tax free incentives for which I am entitled.

Nothing new about that.

I've been hiring Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi, Betazoids for years. Especially Betazoids to find out what the competition is doing.
Nothing new about that.

I've been hiring Klingons, Romulans, Ferengi, Betazoids for years. Especially Betazoids to find out what the competition is doing.

Awesome every one needs a good Betazoid, what happens when they talk to each other with their minds? You are then left trying to figure out what was said or where you stand.

Probably need to have only one Betazoid per work group.
As a pro photographer the hubby uses Adobe Lightroom. It's not cheap but that mistake in the photo would never have happened.

The government probably went with the lowest bidder using PhotoChop.

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