Dividing security deposit

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New Member
I live in Los Angeles, CA. My ex fiancée and I rented an apartment in Beverly Hills in May of lat year. In July she left me and moved out. I remained in the apartment until the end of the lease and just moved out. My previous landlord just informed me that my ex called and demanded that she receive 1/2 of the security deposit to be returned to her, however, I paid the entire amount, she never worked in our relationship and moved out 10 months before the end of the lease. The landlord is claiming that they have to give her 1/2 by law. Is this correct? How can I prevent this from happening?
I live in Los Angeles, CA. My ex fiancée and I rented an apartment in Beverly Hills in May of lat year. In July she left me and moved out. I remained in the apartment until the end of the lease and just moved out. My previous landlord just informed me that my ex called and demanded that she receive 1/2 of the security deposit to be returned to her, however, I paid the entire amount, she never worked in our relationship and moved out 10 months before the end of the lease. The landlord is claiming that they have to give her 1/2 by law. Is this correct? How can I prevent this from happening?

Was her name on the lease?

If so, then the deposit is assumed to be paid (and, thus owed) by both parties.

You can sue her in small claims court, if your landlord returns 50% of the deposit to her.

Be prepared to show that you ponied up the entire security deposit.

You would have been better off renting the unit in YOUR name alone.

You paid for everything anyway.

The world is full of FRIGGING deadbeats, ain't it?
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