I have been divorced since 2005. My houseis still in my x's name and mine. i have the house. Originally I had an equity account for a travel trailer that we bought. In the divorce I was to pay for trailer and he the house. The equity line is a revolving line of credit. I sold the camper but it took some time to pay off the loan since the trailer didn't sell for enough to pay it off. In the meantime the x borrowed 16,000 against the account without my knowledge. I have been contacted many times by the bank and they have threatened me that they would take my house. I have filed for content many times and it still isn't helping. Now the x has signed a waiver with the bank so that he only has to pay $30.00 a month due to work hardships. My credit has gone down the tubes since he has not been paying on this loan properly. Its the only credit that is killing my credit. But that is all it takes. I need to know what I should do? I currently have a lawyer, but he hasn't really helped that much. I now have to take a day off from work because the x won't pay for the last contempt a total of $125.00. I have paid and paid to get things taken care of and don't feel that I should be responsible for the money bhe borrowed. I was never sent a bill and was completely unaware that he even borrowed the money. Just want to move on. HELP!