Divorce, FIx, Legal Malpractice


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This could get lengthy, but I will do my best to bullet point the facts. I have a disabled adult family member (Thomas) who finished his divorce in May. He started the divorce in Dec. 2017 after his wife had him arrested for Disorderly Conduct. His marriage was plagued with according to him "abuse". His wife was removed 3 times prior over the years. She would call the cops and then they would remove her. After the fourth time he was removed. Mind you, he suffers from a TBI, Neck and Back problems and some permanent Brain Damage from a Car accident(memory and vision). He also suffers from some sort of Auto-inflammatory Disorder that Mayo has been attending to for many years. This disease has resulted in Blindness, Deafness and other symptoms. He hired the same attorney to represent him on both accounts. His attorney was unable to get the charges dropped. He then proceeded with the Divorce. His wife failed to meet demands set forth by the Commissioner at two proceedings. Throughout the divorce his wife would fail to attend to his medical needs resulting in additional hospitalization and more vision loss and other serious medical conditions. It was recommended to him to seek other counsel. He questioned his first attorney on his abilities to handle the case to no avail. He sought another Attorney, who as it would turn out was actually a good friend of the first Attorney. His second Attorney then proceeded to represent him. Since he had no money to pay another Attorney he had to liquidate his only assets for half the fee. Over this time frame, his wife had liquidated numerous items, had family remove items from the house, and had traveled with their daughter without any knowledge to him, she was seen in the hospital for unknown reasons and a number of other events or had any interaction with his daughter or limited. Again, at no point was Thomas able to secure any moneys for housing, food or his medical needs. It is now June of 2019. He is again, in the hospital for a month for his condition. His new attorney is corresponding with his elderly parents on the Divorce. At another hearing in Sept. his attorney still fails to attain any suitable moneys for his needs. Finally the court ordered mediation. At this point his daughter now has no interest in any relationship with Thomas. After mediation, his wife again, neglects any agreements or finds ways to skirt the agreements. Thomas queries his Attorney at all the short comings and is informed that Thomas doesn't have the money for him to handle these breaks in agreements. At this point Thomas has received only monies for some of his medical bills totally $3k, his attorney also received the last half of his fee. Once again, in December, Thomas is hospitalized due to his condition and his lack of medical care. This hospitalization took 5 mnths to get back to at least mobility. Thomas, growing dismayed and after no communication with his Attorney, Contact the State of Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation and proceeded to attempt to settle this problem with his Attorney. His Attorney became extremely belligerent with Thomas about Thomas grievances with the divorce. His Attorney then quit 3 weeks before the final Hearing leaving Thomas with no representation at the Divorce Hearing.

His Social Workers and numerous other professional are disgusted with his consideration during the divorce and the only solution is to find legal counsel to solve all of these issues. Finally, he still hasn't received a penny of support, no relationship with his daughter, and does not qualify for any Medical support. There any numerous other issues or events to this as well that I excluded only to constrain this post. What can I help him do at this point. Please, he is homeless, money less and continues to struggle with his debilitating health.

Thank you
There's not much you can do do "help" from a legal perspective, except to offer to pay for a new attorney for him.

To help with his homelessness, you could offer to let him live with you. That would also help, to some extent, with his financial needs, since his basic need for housing would be met. You could also help him apply for various government aid, as appropriate, as well as helping him reach out to local charities, churches, etc., for help.
What can I help him do at this point.

You can hire an attorney to litigate the issues/abuses you allege he suffers.

You can seek assistance for him by contacting agencies in his area that purport to offer assistance to people plagued with the issues you allege to have befallen him.

You won't find legal assistance on internet forums.

If one isn't careful when seeking legal advice via the internet, one MIGHT find himself/herself the victim of a felonious, financial fleecing.

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