divorce help!! Husband in IN daughter and I live in FL

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This is complicated. My husband and I are in the process of relocating to FL from IN. He moved us down here in April, we signed a lease together in Feb.
He was supposed to be here months ago and has no plans of coming here any time soon. He has been emotionally abusive and occasionally physically abusive. I really want a divorce but have no money to retain one due to the fact that I am a stay at home mother to a 2 year old. I need to know if I can file in FL now that my daughter and I are FL residents? And would he be able to make me and her move back? Please help!! I don't know what my rights are and need to know so that I can make informed decisions. Thank you in advance.
Since there are issues here that are state specific when it comes to who can claim what and where, the best advice one can give you is for you to find a pro-bono attorney where you are at so s/he can advise you on how and where you should proceed. Google pro-bono attorneys in your area. Hope this helps!
you must be in FL for 6 months before you have jurisdiction there, so you cannot file anything. In the meantime if Dad is in IN he can file there, and if you are in FL that is not going to help you. Yes he can force you to being the child back to him if the courts order it.
We signed the lease in Feb here in FL... would that give me residency rights? What about him, because he is also signed onto the same lease. Could he still file in Indiana?
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