Divorce & Name Change

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New Member
My divorce was final on 5/27/10. My ex-husband filed for divorce in Brevard County, Florida, as that is where he has lived for the past few years. I live in Dallas County, Texas.

After discussing the matter with him, we agreed to state on our Marital Settlement Agreement that I requested the use of my maiden name. Neither of us retained the services of an attorney as we could not afford to do so and had reached a settlement.

When I received notification that my divorce was final, it stated that our settlement was accepted, or something to that effect - however, it also said that the wife's maiden name of "N/A" was restored.

What should my next step be? Should I pursue amending the divorce decree to reflect my name change, or do I need to file a separate action in Texas to change my name?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
My divorce was final on 5/27/10. My ex-husband filed for divorce in Brevard County, Florida, as that is where he has lived for the past few years. I live in Dallas County, Texas.

After discussing the matter with him, we agreed to state on our Marital Settlement Agreement that I requested the use of my maiden name. Neither of us retained the services of an attorney as we could not afford to do so and had reached a settlement.

When I received notification that my divorce was final, it stated that our settlement was accepted, or something to that effect - however, it also said that the wife's maiden name of "N/A" was restored.

What should my next step be? Should I pursue amending the divorce decree to reflect my name change, or do I need to file a separate action in Texas to change my name?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

If I were you, I'd try amending your decree.

A name change before the courts is time consuming, and a bit more costlier!

You can normally use your EXISTING divorce decree from Florida with the DOT in Texas.

Take a certified copy (one with the court seal) to your local DOT.

Request your name be modified on your Texas driver license to your maiden name.

They will usually do this on the spot.

(If one office doesn't or refuses, go to another office. Eventually, you'll get an employee smart enough to effect the change you seek.)

A few weeks later you'll get the picture license in the mail.

In the interim, you'll have the paper copy and your former Dl to use.

Take another copy to your local social security office, and the Texas DL (with the change).

They'll make the changes, and few days later, you'll get the modified SS card in the mail.

When you leave their office, they'll provide you with PROOF that you requested the change.

If all goes well, you'll no longer be "Sue Ellen Green", you'll be "Sue Ellen Brown".
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