Divorced and can't remorgage PLEASE HELP!

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New Member
I inhereted my home in 1989 with no morgage owed , got married in 1993 and took out a morgage in 2004 with my husband , they did a quick deed and put his name on it without my permission , well got his name off and my home back solely in my name in divorce decree, but was ordered to remorgage but he ruined my credit and filed bankruptcy and now I can't remorgage and was send a civil summuns for contempt of court
what do I do?
any help would be appreciated
Thank you
When you go to court, you need to take something from the lender stating that they will not lend to you because your credit is shot. And explain to the judge what the situation is. You have tried, but they won't loan you the money. It might help too if you have a copy of your credit report with you.
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