divorced and ex is not making house payments

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New Member
I left my husband in October of last year. Our divorce is final and in the divorce papers he took position of our jointly owned home and all bills that go along with it (taxes, insurance). He rented the home shortly after I moved out. In May I was called by the finance company to tell me the payments were not being made. I went to the house and asked the people living there how much they were paying. I was told that they were paying 3025.00 a month for rent. When I asked my ex he told me he was taking care of it. Once again the finance company called, on Saturday, and told me no payments had been made since last year. When I asked my Ex what he was doing with the monies I was told he was paying off other debt. Can I file for contempt and do I have to have an attorney?
yeah, you are right.. I didn't have an attorney during the divorce and cant come up with enough to hire on now. Was hoping I could file on my own. Thanks
You can but your lack of legal knowledge could hurt your case. Talk to an Attorney many grant free intial office visit. At least educate yourself
I might just have to do that. Thank you again.. Kinda funny.. his name was Jack and when I saw yours my heart started pounding.. Thanks again!
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