Divorced, both vehichles in my name, had to give her one. She is very late on payment

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The divorce is final. In the divorce decree I had to refinance my house solely in my name, however she was not able to refinance the vehicle she took due to lack of credit. The car is still in my name but the Court Order states that she is liable for keeping up with the payments. She has been late several times and this time it is going to hit my credit. While my credit is not where it should be due to divorce, I have been really trying to keep up with everything to restore it. She has since filed bankruptcy. I know ultimately I am responsible for the debt, but what can I do? I don't want my boys to be without a car, but she just got paid and still did not make the payment. The creditor continues to call me and rightfully so. I gave them her number and explained the situation but she keeps telling them she will pay next week. She has a decent job, she makes around $46,000 per year and I pay her $924 per month for support. Can I do anything? I have paid bills for her in the past but never saw a penny of the money back like she promised. Just tired of her stuff. She just flew to San Diego CA last week for what she called "Pilates Training." None of my business but she needs to be accountable for her actions. Please point me in the right direction. Thank you!
You have two options.

You can make the payment, and avoid another hit on your credit. Yeah, your pocketbook takes the hit.

You can take her back to court and infirm the judge. Eventually, she'll be ordered to pay. But, getting a hearing takes time. Your credit will still be hit. And, the bankruptcy will hinder you. If she fails to pay (or the bankruptcy is invoked), all the judge can do is find her in contempt.

As long as your name remains connected to her in anyway this will continue. She's irresponsible, you're not. That's probably why you divorced.

Anyway, you're stuck between that rock and a hard place.

If I were you, I'd consult an attorney in your area.

The deal you crafted wasn't a wise one.

Now you know why the bank wouldn't finance her.
You should have refused to carry the note, too!!!
Offer to pay the car note out of child support money each month. That way she never sees it to blow it and the note gets paid. You would obviously have to do it in a way she couldnt say you did not make your child support but its just an idea. Good luck.
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