Divorced parents cant decide on a high school for daughter

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New Member
My ex wife and I cant come to an agreement about my daughters future High School.
I want her to attend the best public school in SJ she wants her to attend the local Highschool. Is there any legal precendent when one school is clearly better than another?
I assume that you have joint legal custody. Who is the primary residential parent? Would custody have to change in order for your daughter to attend the non-local school? Does your daughter have a preference?
We share custody but she is the resident custodial parent. she can live w/ her mother and her brother currently attends the better school. She wants to live w/ her mother and go to the better school.
If you and your wife can't agree, then you will probably have to see a mediator or a judge. Check your parenting agreement to see if it tells how you are to make decisions in the event of an impasse.
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