Divorcing in One state, want to purchase in another, prior to finalization


New Member
My divorce will be final (hopefully) by the end of June.
The divorce is uncontested and we have already split the assets.

I have since moved to Texas and am wanting to purchase a home, prior to finalizing the divorce.

I have received conflicting advice on doing this, albeit not from actual attorney's.

Just some sound advice from legal experts, would be appreciated.
This is one of those decisions you need to make.

Acting upon the advice of others could be devestating.

Ask yourself this question.

Why the rush to buy a home?

Frankly, you're putting the rush upon yourself.

It might be better to chill, slow your roll, take your time, so you will avoid future regrets.
I have since moved to Texas and am wanting to purchase a home, prior to finalizing the divorce.


I'm no legal expert but I am a divorced person.

Wait until the final decree is signed by the judge and filed in the court records.

Then you'll be free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, free at last.

Be patient.
What still needs to be done for the Missouri divorce to be final?

Have you and your already agreed to a division of marital assets and you're just waiting on the court to rubber stamp an agreed divorce decree/marital settlement agreement?

What is the hurry to buy a house in Texas?

What assets do you intend to use for the down payment, and are those assets potentially marital property?
Thank you for the response.

What still needs to be done for the Missouri divorce to be final? The court date has been moved twice now. The 1st time was because my ex-husband had a bankruptcy that needed to be satisfied by the sale of our home, which has now been done. The delay was for the recording of payment to make its way to the court handling the divorce.

The second delay was because my attorney left his firm to become a defense attorney. Had to request a continuance to allow my new attorney to catch up.

Have you and your already agreed to a division of marital assets and you're just waiting on the court to rubber stamp an agreed divorce decree/marital settlement agreement? Yes. Our home has sold and the proceeds distributed along with all the other assets.

What is the hurry to buy a house in Texas? found the house I want and in Texas, they usually don't sit around very long. Just worried I will lose it.

What assets do you intend to use for the down payment, and are those assets potentially marital property?
. Proceeds from the sale of our home.

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