Do employers have to set clear policies?

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New Member
Do employers have to set clear policies for who gets called off? My employer always over staffs and puts people on call for $3.00/hr or calls them off but they cannot give me a clear guideline as to who gets called off when I asked how it was determined by the main scheduler she stated she did not know. Is this legal? does my employer have to set clear policies for this and make them available for us to see?
Right to work has to do with union membership and does not have anything at all to do with this situation.

No, an employer is not obligated by law to explain to you the policies of who gets called off when. They are not even obligated to HAVE policies on this subject. Unless you have a valid and supportable reason to believe that the decisions are made on the basis of race, religion, national origin etc., they may legally make the the decision of who gets called off and who does not by drawing names out of a hat or by throwing darts at an employee list, and they do not have to explain that to you. It is 100% up to the employer who works when.

Fair? Maybe, maybe not. Legal? Yes.

The above assumes that you do not have a legally binding contract or CBA that expressly says otherwise.
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