I recently put a property in escrow, giving a $5,000 deposite which was to be refundable within a 30 day window if I decieded to back out. I called the real estate company before the 30 days to cancell the escrow & get my deposite back, but the agent was on vacation & could not be reached. I left him numerouse messages that I wanted to cancell deal. I then spoke with the title company to tell them the same, but they told me I needed to wait for w/real estate agent to get back. Once the real estate agent returned & contacted me, I was 2 days past the 30 days. He said I cant get deposite back. Is its the title company or the real estate agent that must be notified about cancelling escrow & getting deposite back? Do I have grounds to get my $5,000 back? I never signed a release for the check @ the title company.
thank you
thank you