Do I have reason to break my lease and get OUT?

sarah D.

New Member

I signed a lease in June for one year. I noticed the sink backed up when I wasn't there but looked it up and read that's a common problem with ground level apartments. It happened again and this time, it looked as if it forcefully backed up. Residue was on the counter and places an "explosion" would have caused it to land. I called the landlord who moved at a snails pace to fix it. It happened again within a week and I asked if he had fixed it, he said "I'll look at it tomorrow". Needless to say this is an on going issue and I think there is a bigger issue with the main drain that they are avoiding. It exploded 2 more times. He insists nothing is wrong even though food had to be thrown out and the kitchen area disinfected every time. Ok, aside from that, a broken window in the living room (noted on my move-in checklist) has yet to be replaced. when the maintenance guy came in to open the windows (they are old and stuck, and wouldn't open) he even commented on how "that's the same window that's been broken for a while." The stove doesn't heat up and I'm still waiting for that to be fixed or replaced. Then I started noticing other things that started to freak me out. Aside from a ton of huge wall cracks and bubbled walls, the living room ceiling is bowed and there is a crack running down the length of the middle that looks to have been spackled over and painted. There is a long horizontal crack that runs along the length of one bedroom wall over and onto the adjacent wall and is about 1/2 inch space in certain areas. Maybe that was painted over and resurfaced all of a sudden but I just noticed this. The shower ceiling opened and fell. That was repaired immediately but I don't think the leak that caused it was attended to because "that guy above you was supposed to be out this month." Really? I called an inspector to come and look at these issues because I fear they are structural and don't feel safe in there.
Lastly, and this really pissed me off. The manager entered without my permission. My boyfriend was there and was woken up by him entering. I wrote and sent certified letters to the manager, property owner, and sent regular letters and handed one personally to the manager who was super pissed I sent one to the property owner (I was just covering all bases). So instead of calling me to ask if he could enter, he went in without my permission then he lied and said it was the maintenance guy who was TURNED AWAY. It was him, the manager, and my boyfriend yelled "get out" because he was in his boxers and not expecting him.
This place is unreal and so is the management. Between the disgusting sink that won't be fixed properly, the potential for a collapsing plaster ceiling, and unauthorized entry, do I have a reason to terminate my lease? I'm giving them a few more days to take care of the broken window and the stove before I complain again but that window alone is a code violation according to Michigan.

Thanks. Just trying to know my rights as a consumer and a human being.
Breaking a lease is very complicated, as well as a lengthy process.

Some people contact the health dept, others the building inspectors.

The easiest, quickest way to get out of a lease early is to negotiate an early out. That, however, usually requires buying your way out.

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