Assault & Battery Do I need an Attorney? Help!

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New Member
A domestic dispute occurred and a victim called the police, that dispute has now rendered cause for a Criminal Case for murder to be initiated. Both parties were intoxicated at the time of the dispute. The victim started the violence as he threw a piece of the defendant's property against the wall. The victim does not care to pursue charges and has filed affidavits for non-prosecution with the Police and Prosecutor. The victim has also moved to another city, but the State is still pursuing the case. Can the victim be charged for anything? Intoxication, failure to appear for court dates? Failure to state what occurred? How can this be totally dismissed. The defendant does not deserve this. He has no prior felonies and is not an abuser. The victim just wants to move past it and regrets calling the police.
So the victim throw an object at the wall, and the other person physically assaulted the victim?

Is that correct?
The victim can speak with the prosecutor.
That is often futile, as the state is the legal victim.
But, if you wish this to end, a conversation with the prosecutor asking the state to forego prosecution of the alleged attacker can't hurt.
After that conversation, you'll have a better feel for your next steps.
Why is the State so interested in pursuing a criminal case? This goes double where nobody was actually hurt and both parties were intoxicated making prosecution (and witness testimony) difficult. What are we missing? My guess is that the prosecutor would drop the case if the defendant didn't want to testify. What are we missing regarding a murder charge?
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