Do I need to reimburse a bank if they paid my taxes by mistake?

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New Member
A bank in town with which I have no relationship paid my property tax bill to the city by mistake. The city uses auto draft for my tax bill on the due date. Since the bank had already paid before the due date, no withdrawl was made. The city refused to pay back the bank, then the bank contacted me for payment. Am I legally obligated to pay the bank back?
Yep. Mistakes happen. You have benefited from the bank's error and they can sue to recover their loss. A judge will order you to pay your own taxes... you can either cooperate now and pay the bank or pay later plus court costs.

if it is a large amount you can probably work with the bank to set up a payment plan.
Thanks. Pretty much what I figured.

However, the only time I will probably ever get an interest free loan from a bank.
Thanks. Pretty much what I figured.

However, the only time I will probably ever get an interest free loan from a bank.

Consider yourself lucky because you are so absolutely correct:)
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