Do I really need a lawyer or can I handle myself?

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New Member
I was stopped by police for a traffic violation. They pulled me over for supposedly speeding; however, I was not. The officer asked for my license. I informed the officer I did not have a license. I was arrested for driving without a license, not for speeding. My license was suspended in 2000 for unpaid tickets. It eventually expired. When I was released from jail, the police precinct only gave me a citation to appear in court. I asked for the police report and they stated that one was not written; only an arrest sheet was done with a narrative of how the arrest went. I already owe 550 dollars worth of tickets which I will pay before I go to court in two weeks. I will also attempt to get my learner's permit before the court date. If possible, I will even see if I can get my license before that date. I do not have any other charges or convictions... I have not been in trouble with the law in many many years. I have never had any felony charges or convictions. What should I do?
If I were in your shoes I would seek legal council. That's just me though.'ll be on your own...
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