Do I still have my apartment?

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New Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? NY

Background: A small church owns an apartment building from which I rent a room. I have a one-year lease that expires in December 2011. I have been unemployed since October 2010. After days and months of searching for employment, I was offered a job in PA. The personnel employee assured me that I had the job, told me that I could find housing in PA, and insisted that I report to work at 6:30 am on 6/13/11. The company did not offer relocation reimbursement, so I knew she knew that I had to move from NY to take this job. She stated that I "may or may not have to take a performance test." She never said that was a qualifying test that would cement employment or I would have come down for the day only!

On 6/6/11 I got in touch with the church officer who rented me the place and told him that I had to get out the lease because I had to leave by 6/13/11. He said that he understood and there would be no problems with me breaking the lease. I surrendered the key on Saturday, 6/11/11 to the deacon. That Sunday night, I drafted a letter to send to the church to formally request instructions on how to finalize our agreement, if at all. I was to mail the letter to the church at the end of my work day. Well, that never happened.
I failed the qualifying test! I am now homeless.

Question: Is my lease still in effect even though I gave up the key? Is it unreasonable to expect that since not even a day had passed that I turned in the key that I could get back the key? I would like to know as soon as possible. I am staying with a friend in New York and wish to go to the church this evening when I know that someone will be there. I want to be on sure footing before I speak and appeal to the pastor.
This isn't a legal problem.

The church isn't in the business of renting property.

The church is saving souls.

I suggest you discuss your concerns with the pastor or a church elder.

I'm sure the church will do right by you.

God bless.
The church can establish a corporation. The corporation can rent. The church does own this property and rents apartments. Their name is on the deed. It's public record. I still needed a truth or a legal opinion about the right to return or not.
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