Hello, my boyfriend's parents brought him to this country when he was little undocumented, obviously he didn't know anything about it because he was way too little. now I'm pregnant and I apply for the naturalization test so I can do his papers. Do you think they will send him back to his country?
Before you even begin to think about sponsoring a LEGAL alien, you need to THINK one hundred times more about sponsoring any ILLEGAL alien.
Currently, no one knows if Obama's executive order to allow people such as the one you wish to sponsor will be admitted legally, or deported legally.
The Supreme Court is tied with the recent death of Justice Scalia.
Obama's executive order was blocked by the fifth circuit appeals court, the Supremes heard the appeal today, a decision won't be known u til June.
As far as sponsoring an alien, you're required to sponsor him or her, even if you never marry, divorce, he or she goes to prison, essentially you're required to support him even if he chooses not to work, has sex with other people, and on, and on, and on....
Okay, please read what you're agreeing to do, if you're allowed to sponsor an alien, legal or illegal:
Affidavit of Support
Income Requirements to Sponsor an Immigrant - Affidavit of Support - AllLaw.com
Alternatives to Affidavit of Support Income Requirements