Doctor Appointments

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New Member
I want to know if when an employee requests time off for a Doctor appointment if you are allowed to ask them to reschedule for another day or time?

I have a co-worker who conveinently only has doctor appointments on Friday afternoons, only gets sick on Fridays or Thursday afternoons and then doesn't come in on Fridays. Unfortunately for me, I have to cover her when shes out. She works later than I do which means I am here late at the office on Fridays more often then not.

thank you for your help!
Her supervisor certainly is allowed to ask her to schedule her appointments at more convenient times. This kind of habitual "out on Thursdays/Fridays" can indicate a possible abuse of sick leave and good supervisors will monitor that.

If you are not her supervisor, you need to stay out of it.
it could be that she has an arrangement with the employer for dr's appts that may be covered under fmla or disability
if this is the case, maybe she has on going treatment and the appt's are set for the same day and time every week or 2 weeks. the sup or manager would know about that and should be able to either ask the employee to change the appt dates if possible or to provide other options as her back up
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