doctor bills

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New Member
My 18 year old daughter recently got into a fight with another adult female. She ended up with permanante damage to her eye and the doctor bills are adding up. Does she have a case for a law suit to compinsate her dissability and her doctor bills?
You would need to speak to a local attorney who can more thoroughly evaluate the case.
The answer to your question is "maybe".
I doubt anyone here could give you a better answer than that without delving into the nitty gritty details.
Exactley, there are alot of ifs that could have merit on the case like was it self defense, were there witneses, a police report filed etc.? Go talk to a attorney now and let him/her handle everything for you.
My 18 year old daughter recently got into a fight with another adult female. She ended up with permanante damage to her eye and the doctor bills are adding up. Does she have a case for a law suit to compinsate her dissability and her doctor bills?

Were the police involved?
Was the other combatant arrested?
If so, what were/are her charges?

Was you daughter charged?

If the first two answers are YES, and the last question can be answered in the negative, then you have the basis of a lawsuit.
No matter what, speaking to a couple local attorneys would not be a bad idea!
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