Does "bequeath monies I may have in bank" mean the property ??

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I was wondering if anyone could help, I have very little money so would struggle to pay for a solicitor so thought maybe someone on this forum could advise me .

The first question is - Does "bequeath monies I may have in bank" mean the property.

This is how its written in my Grandmas Will ,My mother had a big family dispute and fell out with my grandma, my mum sister ( Not a very nice sister ) who was the excutrix has taken all monies from the bank which was stipulated above ( I agree) but also sold the house and took the money for this, I just wanted to check that "bequeath monies i may have in bank" meant the property also.

The full story

my mother received a copy of the will with a letter from her sister, the will says that my grandmother revokes all previous wills and that she has appointed my aunt (my mothers sister) as executrix of the will and directs her to pay all debts and 'bequeths to her whatever monies I may have at the bank for her own use and benefit absolutely'. My grandmother died 4 years ago the will was changed on 25/7/1990. Our mother mentioned to us that she had been taken out of the will, but we had not seen a copy of it until now. Our mother has now passed away over Christmas and it is only now that we are sorting through her things that we have come across a copy of our grandmothers will and it is apparent that the will does not mention any property or assets. Really what we want to know is does the will cover property or anything else as my aunt has sold my grandmothers house and kept the profits. My aunt sent a not very nice letter to my mother which we have found with the will one of the comments in it is that it was their parents wish that she should 'inherit what they had' the will does not state this only what was in the bank. I will just add that my grandmother lived in Southern Ireland and so does my aunt, I dont know if that would make a difference as far as laws are concerned.

Any help or information above would be extremely grateful

All it means is that she will give money that she may have in the bank - which may or may not be there. In addition, there are also the costs of the estate. I don't know how property may be handled administratively there but you would have wanted to discuss this with a court administrator. Four years is a long time if you wish to challenge a will or the administration of an estate.
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