does my husband owe child support?

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can child support be collected after 18 or 19 years if no claim has ever been made. he did not sign birth certificate or live with the child and mother for more then 6 months after birth. blood test was requested by him but denied by mother when she was still pregnent. after child was born he was shunned by mothers family, pushed out of the picture. there has been no contact since he left. please can anyone help!
can child support be collected after 18 or 19 years if no claim has ever been made. he did not sign birth certificate or live with the child and mother for more then 6 months after birth. blood test was requested by him but denied by mother when she was still pregnent. after child was born he was shunned by mothers family, pushed out of the picture. there has been no contact since he left. please can anyone help!

First of all, yours is a Canadian law issue, as you live in BC.

We both share the English common law tradition, however.

You should speak with a BC attorney ASAP.

Your facts indicate that NO DNA test was ever done.
He was never married to the putative mother.
Better that he had no blood test, as they weren't all that accurate.
No support action was ever initiated against him.
The child is now an adult.

I don't think that your husband has any liability in this matter.
Who is attempting to extort money from your husband (the child) or (the mother)?
Is it the government?

Has an action been brought?
Has he been served?

If the mother or the child is trying to make contact with him, I'd advise him to avoid and/or deny contact with either of them.
Contact after 20 years never works out well for anyone.
Blame, fault, recrimination, anger, and other negative emotions always flare up and flame out!
Nothing can turn the clock back.
Nothing he can do will ever sit well with either the child or the mother.

He should stay FAR away from both of them.
If HE gets sued, ask for a paternity test.
He may NOT be the father.
Make no admissions, confessions, or give any statements.

I don't think a support action can be established after 20 years.
But, you never know.
thankyou,thankyou no action was ever brought and he's never been served. I believe your advice is smart.she was attempting to contact him on that darn facebook. he did not respond and deleted message. thankyou once again
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