Does my wood stove belong to my landlord?

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New Member
I rented an old 1970's trailer home from a guy who rents both my place and his from the property owner. The main source of heat for the trailer is a propane furnace that is fully functioning.

The trailer home came with a wood stove that was in such bad shape it was a fire danger. I found a used wood stove for a good price and bought it. I was intending to put the old wood stove in the garage but the landlord came and took it to give to a friend. The new wood stove is a free standing stove with the flue going striaght up through the roof. The stove is not screwed to the flue but just wedge into the flue. I am moving out and want to take the stove with me. The landlord says I can't as it would leave a flue just hanging in the living room. I asked him to give back the original stove that he took. I wanted to store the old stove just for this purpose. Can he keep my stove? If so, how would this be a different than me taking my washer and dryer with me?
In a situation where a tenant purchases items for the rental unit, the decision on whether they get to take these with them at move out depends on whether they are permanently "attached" to the rental unit or not. For example, kitchen cabinets, a stove or dishwasher that's wired into the rental unit becomes the property of the owner.

Free standing items (such as the washer/dryer your mentioned) remain the property of the tenant. As such, this would include the free standing wood stove.

For what it is worth, I agree with Gail. He can offer to buy the stove from you. The stove you replaced was not worth what the one you bought was worth. You improved the livability of the property. It's not your fault he gave away the other stove.
Thanks so much for your opinions. I feel more confident to take a stand on this now. Especially now that he's threatening "legal action" if we touch the stove. Thanks again.

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