Does she have rights to my computer?

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New Member
I went to buy a computer and my credit was declined my girlfriend offered to pay for it. I said sure and she put it on her credit card, the reciept was put into my name, she just paid the bill.

The computer it is registered in my name as well with apple.

She asked me to just pay the minimum credit card payments when she got the bill and I paid for three of those. Then we broke up, now she is saying she wants me to pay the whole balance immediately or give her the computer.

Does she have a leagl right to take away my computer? What can I do if she tries to take my computer? I have the receipt and it shows on the receipt it is sold to me, it has her credit card listed as form of payment.
If you took this to court, the judge would tell you to pay the remaining balance of the computer or give it to your girlfriend.

Your name may be on the receipt but she has the documentation that she paid for it.

Well if this item was given as a gift does she have a right to take it back?

What is the difference between a gift and an item that I agree to pay back for?

Thank you for any advice?

And since there is nothing in writing regarding any terms how is ownership established???
If you are required to make payments on it, it's not a gift.

There is something in writing about ownership: it's the receipt, which shows she paid for it.
Here's the problem with your contention that this was a gift...

"She asked me to just pay the minimum credit card payments when she got the bill and I paid for three of those".

You agreed to this and made three payment; the implication being that you knew this was not a gift at the time.

Gail if you would be kind enough to email me off list iI would like like to ask another question. It seems I havent made enough posts here to initiate a private message.

Thank you
Actually, the reason the private message limitations were put into place was because there were far too many "requests for personal discussion" made to the posters here in this forum. Before this measure was instituted, I was getting dozens each week in email, more on my profile comment wall, and the same via email. We'll be making it even clearer where everything goes this weekend and next week.
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