Dog Bite While Rover Sitter was Walking Dog


New Member
My dog bit someone while being taken care of by a rover caretaker. It was not a serious bite. No blood or breaking of the skin but the individual did bruise. Police were called, dog was quarantined. Had no history of this either, had gotten rabies vaccine a few months prior.

I know in my state it's strict liability. A PI firm reached out asking for my renters insurance info. I didn't have renters insurance at the time (stupid, I know, but I'm broke).

Rover's Guarantee says that they would pay for any third party medical costs caused by the dog while under the caretakers care. The person bitten spoke to Rover apparently and sounds like they sorted that out.

I don't think there was medical bills and the bite, just being a small nip on the hand, didn't require a doctors visit. Even the cop who took the report told the guy it wasn't serious.
Rover's Guarantee says that they would pay for any third party medical costs caused by the dog while under the caretakers care. The person bitten spoke to Rover apparently and sounds like they sorted that out.

I don't think there was medical bills and the bite, just being a small nip on the hand, didn't require a doctors visit. Even the cop who took the report told the guy it wasn't serious.

If things are as you reveal, its time for you NOT to rock the boat or disturb others.

Stealth mode, engage.....