dog chase cat

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a neighbors cat was tresspassing on my property and while i was coming off my front steps to go to the car the cat ran and my dog pulled on the leash and the spring snapped and he chased the cat into some bushes on our property line. as the dog turned to come back to me the cat jumped and attached itself to my dogs face so he tossed his head to free himself of the animal. the cat was flung and ran, the dog temp. pursued and then turned to return to the car. unfortunatly the neighbors cat was euthanized and they are now seeking reinbursement. i had intention to pay for the vet bills incured until i received a letter stating they a sending notices out to all the neighbors saying he is a danger to the children and other pets. This is an 8yr old lab which has never attacked or bitten anyone or thing. there is a selectmens hearing to decide if the dog is aggressive. the dog officer stated they would need to take me to small claims if i didnt want to settle privatly. am i liable for their bills? does ch 140 sec. 155 protect me because the animal was tresspassing and tormenting the animal?
MAN people NEED TO grow up ALREADY! I love animals ALL of them, however when the dog is on his property and the cat comes over there, the cat is violating the dogs space. Now if the dog had gone over to the Cats house it is different.

I myself had a little kitten that went next door and got killed by the dog, this was not the dogs fault as the cat was in the dogs space, my kitten was too curious and thought since we had a big dog- all big dogs must like him?-- It was a accident -- My neighbor felt horrible but it was no ones fault, he offered to get me a new kitten.

Most dogs think cats are toys (per the stuffed animals they get as toys), especially if they have never been around a cat before + when the cat starts smacking and hissing they don't know what to think.

I would tell them you will go get them a new cat or kitten, if they accept perfect, if not then let them take you to small claims and just tell your story to the judge.

Keeping a cat from roaming is near impossible, but when they do roam they can get themselves in trouble, but that is life.
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