Animal Injury, Dog Bite Dogbite.....

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Any ideas on a dogbite in privatized military housing? Land owned by govt. still but housing was purchased by company. They rent to civilans also now. The military member had left housing 4+ months before but family had not left after the 30 days the Navy policy stated. Noone at the unit at time of bite was on the lease. Adults or the dog. Only the military member. Who didn't live there anymore! Housing knew this for the military member was only allowed to go back with a commanding officer to get belongings. They claim no responsibility for noone living in unit was on the lease?! I think they should have knowledge of who is living in their units! And when military member left I have read that they should have been removed from lease and if spouse wanted to remain they would have to sign new lease. Any ideas?
I can't tell what you are talking about.
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