Assault & Battery Domestic Violence

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New Member
Hi. In January, I had a fiasco occur in my house. I am 15. I have two sisters who were drunk, one 16 at the time, and another 18. There was much violence. I was bitten by my sister 3 times. My mother was bitten too. My issue is I've made amends with my 16, now 17, year old sister, but I would like to press charges against my other sister. Is that possible to do without hurting my other sister? Is it possible I can press charges, but guarantee y sister doesn't get any jail time? I live in Brooklyn, New York?
Sorry, this ship has sailed.

Cops in NYC wouldn't begin to worry about something that happened months ago.

You've made amends.

Let sleeping dogs lie!

Besides, you're a minor.
You can't press charges.
You're considered a legal incompetent.
Your mother would have to do this, if it could be done.
Sarasota Attorney

As both were drunk and if in your country it was legal age to drink then there is no charge against them for drinking but they were very younger to drink then they have done a crime and case can be file against both of them. You and your mother have bitten this is a different from drinking alcohol and for particular this you can file charge and don't worry your other sister will remain safe.
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