dont know what to do have kids and wife

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New Member
when i moved in with my wife and her mom and her step dad she had a 8 year old before me and we had a premee she was 2lbs 10oz.anyway her step dad is trying to get us evicted cause we grounded th 8 yr old for being bad at school can he do it we had a verbal agreement to pay $450 a month then i got hurt at work and have a verbal agreement to pay past due rent when my case is settled
Yes, the owner of a property can have you evicted.

I suggest you prepare to move, or apologize, keep your trap shut, obey his rules until you can live on your own.

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Now is a bad time to start trying to use your brain. You should have done it before having a child and committing to raise a family, when you have no money. I suggest you get on your knees and beg your F-in-L to continue carrying your butt, in addition to his daughter and your kids.
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