Door got slammed from another car while parked and crushed my leg inbetween.

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New Member
I will do my best to explain this as possible for the best advice.

Age: 21
State: New York
Time: 9:30pm

Incident occurred while delivering pizza.

I was on my last route of the day and like I normally do I pull over to the side of the 2 way traffic road that is closest to the curb since I only need to exit through my door. I reach over to grab the food from the passenger seat. As I have my left foot out of the car on the ground ready to stand up and exit my car, I look up and BAM......a car coming from the other direction slams full speed (no deceleration, meaning I think she was preoccupied i.e Cell Phone) crushed my leg in between my door and my car. I hop out of the car on to the floor and start screaming because I dont think she realized my leg was crushed.
Ambulance, EMT and the police came I got rushed to the hospital and xrays were taken. There P.A;s couldnt find any breaks but im going for a second opinion tommmrow. My foot and leg is completely swollen and I cant walk at all without crutches.
The damge on my car is my front fender and my door doesnt close completely with housing the body any longer.
This also inhibits me from starting school this semester as well as working.

So my question is, what type of case do I have here?
Hard to tell. Depends on how much your medical bills are, how much future care you will need and what lost wages are (if any). It's hard for any PI attorney to say right off the bat how much any case is worth. Also have to take into consideration what the other persons insurance limits may be.
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